Saturday, May 19, 2007

More megamorphic metaphor-sis

Ben also pointed the following out to me, and subsequently I experienced it. When you chip stones up, you take some parts of the stone away, and what you uncover is something that has been around probably since the very beginning when God created land. The stones sometimes have hairline cracks in them so they crack right through under the force of your hammer and chisel, often rendering the piece useless or no longer fit for the spot you intended. however the other day i had one split apart along its face, so it's shape didn't change, only its thickness. the new face was incredibly contorted and turbulent, as if the lava that cooled to form it had cooled in little balls that had broken out of the face, leaving bubbles and spheres and ridges like a glacial landscape(this is from a purely geographic viewpoint, i could not prove that they were formed this way, although I think it is likely. i should write a post about evolution and stuff sometime, that would be would be interesting to get some sweet comment/debate going). but i realized, having been alerted to this by Ben, that the face i was looking at had never been looked upon by any person in the history of this entire earth and all the stones that had ever been formed. the only ones who knew what it looked like were me and God.