Saturday, September 22, 2007


so, Its been a while.

has anybody every clicked on my advertisement? The last thing i ever added to this blog was my advertisment..apparently i get a cut of whatever business it generates.
Unfortunately, no one every clicked on it, so..I didn't get any money. Thanks guys.

Ok, but seriously, now you can't click on it, because it would be fraudulent for me to tell you guys to click on it. Only click if you are interested.

Gee, I can't even click on it myself, because that too is fraud. What a sad little advertisement..its all alone. I'm sorry, advertisement. I really do love having you here, but you are neglected! Poor thing.

Ok, so seeyou next year!

Captain Carrot


jeannette said...

umm, am i just slow cause i have no idea what you are talking about? lol
i think i need a little more explanation

Tamara said...

is it that google ad? haha

Captain Carrot said...

yeah its a google ad. its down at the bottem of the side bar. but DONT CLICK IT!!! Because i could be sued for fraud. unless you are interested in it! then you can. haha.